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HOA Property Management Companies Fundamentals Explained

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According to CAI Community Association Institute, a nationwide organization: (PCAM) is the pinnacle of community association management. The PCAM designation is the greatest expert recognition offered nationwide to managers who focus on community management in Colorado. AMI offers HOA management services that consistently handle the information of the Colorado legal requirements and releases the Board's time for executive overview and policy making.

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Our service is the AMI Advantage. AMI's service sets us apart from our rivals since of our: EXPERIENCE AND QUALIFICATIONS OF PERSONNELIt is the experience, understanding and professionalism that will better serve your Neighborhood. AMI understands what requirements to be done and how to do it. The depth of experience by professional team member, specifically Managers, is unmatched.

CAPABILITY TO GET FINEST PRICES AND BEST SERVICEAMI's stature in the industry and community provides the ability to command the finest costs and best performance by qualified contractors. Because of the credibility and stability, a lot of contractors are really thinking about presenting finest prices and finest service to be considered for additional work of other Association customers.

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ADVANCED SYSTEMSAMI utilizes the Jenark accounting system, the recognized leader for professional Neighborhood Association Managers. It is the most comprehensive system with built-in internal controls and audit functions. Additionally, AMI has a special plan for a web based overlay system to the accounting and data base programs that supply an outstanding, individual interactive website for Association clients.

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This advanced system also establishes an electronic referral handbook that might be accessed by membership and Board members to address concerns utilizing the online profile that includes answers to over 200 common questions. Likewise, Association Files are online and are word searchable. STRUCTURE Read More Here has a Client Services professional designated for each account in addition to the designated Property Supervisor.

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The Assistant Supervisor is in the office and knows the property, the Board, and the membership requirements and can resolve the concerns similarly along with the assigned Supervisor. In addition, through the establishment of an electronic recommendation manual, all workers that respond to telephone call from owners are able to address questions on the first call.

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